8317075854, 9721919008, 7753006158

Collaborative & Innovative
ISDRA is operating various programs in which both government and Non-government projects are included. ISDRA maintains accounts as per government accountancy rules and regulations and separate project wise accounts are maintained. To make consolidated statement, an organizational account book is also prepared.
The organization maintains bank reconciliation systems, Trial Balance, Income-Expenditure, Receipt-Payment and Balance Sheets, which help in managing proper accounts. The organization maintains monthly account monitoring at management level, which is discussed during monthly review meeting of the organization. Besides, internal monitoring regular auditing is carried out by External Charted Accountant. Time to time Accounts is audited by concerning departments, ministry and representative of “Accountant General of Government of India” and other related funding agencies.
ISDRA puts its all efforts to develop a spirit of skills and knowledge among the people living around us. We fulfill our goal to develop the society by conducting various programmes teaching the people about livelihood and computer sciences. We even provide sessions for development of Hindi. You can heir our experts for conducting sessions regarding Livelihood Promotion, Computer Sciences and Hindi. Contact us at the contact numbers provided on our website and let our professionals enlighten many with their knowledge and experience.
Collaborate with DRDA Raebareli, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh.
Collaborate with National Level NGO LABOUR NET in capacity building.
Collaborate with Uttar Pradesh Govt. in Kaushal Vikas Project.
Collaborate with Govt. of India in Kaushal Vikas Project Like-STAR & PMKVY
Collaborate with Block Office Salon Raebareli Govt. of Utter Pradesh.
Collaborate with LIC of India in Micro Insurance Project.
Collaborate with Govt. of India in National Digital Literacy Mission(NDRLM)
Unemployment is one the topics of great concern today. We help people to find jobs easily through our program. We try to provide a healthy livelihood to every youth in the society. We believe that this initiative of ours will help many people lead a better life.
To promote every child's talent we bring ISDRA Talent Awards as a platform for the talented students to prove themselves on the basis of their talents. We will help the students to recognize their hidden talent and we will also award them with the cash prizes so that they may keep on pursuing their talents throughout their lives. Hope you will join us in our campaign of making a bright future with the most talented units of our society.